餐厅领位/收银 Nyonya rumah
Hotel Brand: Hotel Indigo
Location: China, Zhejiang, Hangzhou
Hotel: Hangzhou Tianmushan (HGHTM), No.66 dari Jalan Baihe, Kota Tianmushan, Lin'an, 311311
Nomor Pekerjaan: 12680 7
1.To maintain reservations and allocate tables.
2.To welcome guests to the restaurant in an appropriately warm and courteous manner and guide them to their tables, help them to get seated and present them the menu.
3.To coordinate with the other service personnel in the restaurant for overall operational efficiency. Particularly through proper maintenance of reservations, allocation of tables so as to facilitate service by appropriate distribution of work load.
4. Compute bill according to items consumed by guests.
5. Present checks/ bill showing relevant consumption.
6. Make change, cash checks, and issue receipts to guests.
7. Record amounts received and prepare reports of transactions.
8.To carry out any duties assigned by the Captain/ Manager.
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