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前台 接待


Otel Markası: Holiday Inn
Konum: Çin, Sichuan, Chengdu

Otel Chengdu Century City-WestTower (CTUHI), No.208 West Tower, Century City Boulevard, 610041

İş numarası: 133690

  • Greets all guests at all times in a friendly and helpful manner and attempts to learn and use guest’s name at every opportunity. 
  • 随时以友好和乐于协助的态度迎接客人,并尽量了解和称呼客人的名字。
  • Registers and rooms all arrivals according to established procedures.
  • 按照既定工作程序为所有来客登记并安排房间。
  • Maintains intimate knowledge of departmental standards and procedures. 
  • 熟知部门标准工作程序。
  • Performs check in, check out and room change procedures and ensures all data are entered completely into the hotel systems in accordance with reservation.
  • 履行入住、退房和换房手续,并确保所有资料都按照预订情况完整的输入酒店电脑系统。
  • Maintains cashier float and ensures accurate daily report of all money received.
  • 保持库存现金限额并保证每日对所收现金进行准确报告。
  • Cashes hotel guest’s personal and travelers checks and assists with currency exchange.
  • 为酒店客人的个人支票及旅行支票兑换现金,并协助进行外汇兑换。
  • Keeps abreast of all modifications to accounting policies and procedures.
  • 随时留意会计政策和工作程序的变化 
  • Responsible and attends to guest’s request of using the service of safety box at all times.
  • 随时负责回应客人关于使用保险箱服务的要求。
  • Knowledgeable of all special promotion procedures, for programs such as; Seasonal Packages, Frequent Flyers Programs, and also InterContinental Hotels Group Loyalty Programs.
  • 熟知所有特别促销活动,如:季节性套餐计划、常客优惠计划以及洲际酒店集团忠实方案。
  • Stay abreast of current rates, rate changes and all promotions, current facilities, services, hours of operation, etc.
  • 了解最新房价,房价变更和所有促销活动,最新设施,服务,营业时间等。
  • Attends to guest’s complaints, inquiries and requests, referees problems to supervisor/Duty Manager if he/she unable to assist.
  • 处理客人的投诉、问询和请求,如果自己无法提供协助,则将问题转给主管和值班经理 
  • Is familiar with other InterContinental Hotels and Resorts so that guest indicating any next destination on the registration card can be “sold” an onward booking to another InterContinental Hotels.
  • 熟悉洲际酒店和度假村集团的其它成员酒店,以便当客人在登记卡上写出以后要去的目的地时可以游说其在另一家洲际酒店集团成员酒店进行提前预订 
  • Does everything possible to ensure that the guests depart the hotel with a positive impression of hotel service.
  • 尽一切努力确保客人在离店时会对酒店的服务有很好的印象。
  • Performs the audit balances and prepares all works for audit in an orderly fashion.
  • 执行审计结余,并为审计工作进行各项有序的准备。
  • When on night shift, checks night report, prepare the morning report and prepare all necessary forms for the guest arrival.
  • 在值班时检查夜班报告,准备早班报告,并为客人的到来准备各种必要的表格。
  • Maintains comprehensive knowledge of standard reservation procedures including correct forms to use, how to read telex, e-mail, messages, and how to interpret availability sources within the reservation systems.
  • 全面了解标准的预订工作程序,包括如何正确使用表格,如何读电传、电子邮件和留言,以及如何在预订系统内对房源情况进行解读。
  • Maintains exemplary deportment standards of behavior and appearance and attitude as expected in a IHG Brand.
  • 按照洲际酒店集团品牌的预期保持自己行为、外表和态度的高标准。
  • Ensure the front desk work area is kept clean and in an orderly state all the times.
  • 保持前台工作区域的整洁和有序。
  • Endeavors to maintain the high standards of the hotel with particular regard to the importance of IHG Loyalty Program member and other VIP’s and with reference to hotel and to be a health or safety hazard.
  • 力争保持酒店的高标准,特别注意洲际酒店集团忠实计划会员及其它贵宾的重要性,并重视酒店的健康和安全隐患等问题。
  • Prepare for each group’s arrival, prepare group history, billing information, deposits, filing, VIP information, correspondence, etc.; interact with booking contacts as needed.  Correctly record group rooms and revenue in the property management system.
  • 准备每个团队抵店,准备团队记录,帐单信息,押金,档案,贵宾信息,信件等等;必要时参与预订联络工作。在酒店管理系统中正确的记录团队客房和收入。
  • Process all group reservation requests, changes and cancellations received by phone, fax, e-mail, mail, internally and through travel planners/corporations.  Enter and/or modify group block in system to ensure inventory, stay dates, cancellation policy, deposit requirement, and booking procedure are reflected correctly.
  • 处理所有通过电话,传真,电邮,信函接收到的内部和旅行策划人或公司发出的团队预订请求,变更和取消。在系统中输入输入或更改团队客房预订,确保客房的供应,入住日期,取消规定,押金要求和预订程序的正确性。
  • Maintain accurate filing system for groups and ensure that each group block is traced.
  • 维护团队档案系统的准确性,确保记录每个团队预订。
  • Create and update group block notes to provide relevant data pertaining to all group reservations, and coordinate with other departments as needed to provide group reservation information and group needs as specified in contract.
  • 建立并更新团队预订记录,以便为所有团队预订提供相关数据,按需要与其它部门协调预订信息及联络中团队的具体需求。
  • Provide and maintain reports and records of all groups during stay and after departure, and follow up on any group inquiries.
  • 提供和保留所有团队下榻和离店后的报告和记录,跟进每个团队查询。
  • Attend Pre-meeting planning meetings or conferences as needed or requested.
  • 根据要求和需求参加会议团队的提前沟通会。
  • Promote team work and quality service through daily communications and coordination with other departments. 
  • 通过每日与其它部门的交流与协作来促进团队合作和高品质服务。
  • Perform other duties as assigned such as running daily reports, e.g. the cancellations, bookings, or arrivals reports.
  • 执行其它分配给的工作,如打印每日报告等,取消,预订或抵达报告。

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