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Directeur de la réunion & Event 会务统筹总监


Hotel Brand: InterContinental
Location: China, Beijing, Changchun

Hotel: Changchun High Tech Zone (CGQTZ), High-tech development zone, 100000

Job number: 136162

·          Handlessite inspections (within and for outside catering) with potential clients whenrequired.

·          处理在需要的时候与潜在客户的酒店视察(宴会内外)。

·          Ensurea sales attitude prevails at all times within the team supervise and organizetraining of the team on how to maximize revenue.

·          确保在任何时候销售员工都具备专业态度,为员工组织关于最大限度地提高收益的培训。

·          Ensurethe weekly Function sheet and group information sheet is completed by the team.

·          确保每周宴会厅情况表和会议团体信息表的完成。

·          Responsiblefor producing conversion statistics on a monthly basis and reports these to theDirector of Sales & Marketing

·          负责统计每月转换数据每月,并向市场销售总监汇报。

·          Attendthe weekly availability meeting (S&M meeting, Department meeting).

·          参加每周可用性会议(销售会议,部门会议)。

·          Settargets on conversion with the DOSM for the team, instigate and up-sellingprogram for the menu item.

·          与市场销售总监一起为员工设置转换、激励和增值销售的目标。

·          Followsup on all lost and cancelled business to ensure an accurate reason has beenobtained and recorded. Rate discussion will be held with the Revenue Managerand the DOSM to maximize yield.

·          跟踪在一切损失和取消业务,以保证准确的原因记录在册。与收益经理和市场销售总监讨论房价计划,使收益达到最大。

·          Tosupervise the work of all Conference & Banqueting Team. Be responsible todo the regular and system training for all team.

·          监督宴会团队的工作。负责员工的常规和系统的培训工作。

·          Accuratefiling of all lost and regretted business as well as obtaining the reason forthe lost business, if for reason of rate this must be communicated to Director of Sales & Marketing whowill review this with the Revenue Manager.

·          记录及分析所有丢失、取消的生意,确保获知原因。如果是价格的问题,则定要协同收益总监一起和市场销售总监沟通。

·          Providethe sales team with any new leads, which came directly to the department.

·          向销售团队提供直接来到部门的客源。

·          Providesinformation over the telephone to all clients requesting information on GroupConvention and Events. Send offers confirmations accordingly.

·          在所有咨询宴会的客户电话里提供信息,并发送相应的确认。

·          Handlesafter sales correspondence (exit interview and thank you letter from thedepartment). Trace the account for any potential business in the future.

·          处理售后服务(离职面谈,感谢信)。跟踪未来有潜在业务往来的客户。

·          Follow up on all offers and sales leads with maximization of the banquet and roomsrevenue as an overall target.

·          跟进所有订单和客户,以获得客房收益和宴会收益的最大化,并把它作为一个总体的目标。

·          Preparethe Conference & Banqueting budget and marketing plan.

·          会议及宴会准备的预算与营销计划。

·          Adhereto departmental operating expenses as laid out in the budget / forecast.

·          坚持预算/预测中规定的部门运作费用。

·          Manageskey accounts.

·          管理大客户。

·          Overseesthe selling and servicing of group business.

·          监管团组业务的销售和服务。

·          Co-ordinatesthe development of all promotional material.

·          协调所有促销材料的制作。

·          Providesdirection on and conducts market research.

·          进行市场调研并提供指导。

·          Maintainsclose liaison with Regional/ Corporate Sales teams and those of other IHGhotels to ensure the hotel receives proper corporate consideration, directionand support.

·          与地区和公司的销售队伍保持紧密联系,确保酒店得到公司适当的考虑、指导和支持。

·          Ensuresthe hotel is represented as an active member of the local community throughassociation membership.

·          确保酒店成为当地社区的活跃成员。

·          Coordinatessales and promotes business for other InterContinental Hotels within theregion. Interacts with worldwide regional sales offices with particularattention to local office

·          协调销售并促进区域内其他洲际酒店的业务,与全球区域销售办事处互动,特别关注本地办事处。

·          Plansand executes sales trips to major market areas.

·          计划并实施前往主要市场地区进行销售。

·          Attendsmajor travel functions to promote sales for the hotel.

·          参加大型旅游活动,促进酒店的销售工作。

·          Directsall eventsales activities for SalesManagers to ensure they meet the goals of the Revenue Plan.

·          指导所有宴会销售经理的销售活动确保他们达到收入计划的目标。

·          Conductsweekly reviews of sales personnel activity to ensure targets and salesobjectives are being met.

·          每周对销售人员的活动进行审查,以确保达到目标以及销售项目。

·          Producesmonthly Sales reports and forecasts.

·          制作每月销售报告及预测。

·          5 years' international hotel experience and at least 2 year's experience at the same position.

·          至少5年国际连锁品牌酒店经验,至少2年同岗位经验。

Notre entreprise

En tant que première et plus grande marque d'hôtels de luxe au monde, InterContinental Hotels & Resorts est le pionnier des voyages internationaux depuis les années 1940. Nous sommes passionnés par le partage de notre savoir-faire international et de notre sagesse culturelle renommés dans un environnement vraiment impressionnant. Nous sommes tous très fiers d'être de véritables ambassadeurs de la marque InterContinental® ️. En faisant partie de la marque, vous aurez soif de voyages, vous serez passionné par la culture et apprécierez la diversité. Nous créons des expériences inspirantes pour ceux qui recherchent une perspective plus riche sur le monde. Si vous souhaitez profiter d'un monde d'opportunités, nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue au sein de la marque d'hôtels de luxe la plus internationale au monde.

Vous ne répondez pas à toutes les exigences, mais vous pensez tout de même être la personne idéale pour le poste ? Nous ne le saurons jamais si vous n'appuyez pas sur le bouton « Appliquer ». Commencez votre voyage avec nous dès aujourd'hui.

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