- 根据洲际酒店集团酒店业务发展标准操作程序,验证指定客户的潜力并创建客户计划
Validate of the potential of assigned accounts and create account plans as per the IHG hotels Business Development standard operating procedures
- 深度开发所分配的客户,已达到所制定的任务,并使利润最大化
Develop the assigned portfolio to meet set goals and maximise profitability
- 收集现有和潜在的客户/联系人信息,以增加业务
Gather information on current and prospective clients / contacts to generate incremental business
- 有效的控制销售成本
Maintain effective control of sales expenses
- 使用客户互动和公开可用的工具来监控竞争对手的活动,因为它涉及酒店和客户组合,并按照酒店程序与关键利益相关者分享相关信息
Use both account interaction and publicly available tools to monitor competitors' activities as it relates to both the hotel and the portfolio of accounts and share relevant information with key stakeholders in line with hotel procedures
- 向管理层提供市场变化的反馈,包括竞争和市场趋势
Provide feedback to management on changing market conditions, including competition and market trends
- 在适当的情况下,让销售总监参与销售电话和销售会议
Involve Director of Sales where appropriate on sales calls and sales meetings
- 与他/她的上司沟通遇到的问题和其他相关信息
Communicate to his/her superior any issues encountered and other relevant information
- 根据需要参加并在适当情况下组织培训课程、每日简报会和其他会议
Attend and participate in and where appropriate, organise training sessions, daily briefings and other meetings as required
- 在适用情况下,监督、管理和培训皇冠会议活动主管和皇冠会议活动协调员履行其职责
Where applicable, supervise, manage and train Business Development Executives and Business Development Coordinators in carrying out their responsibilities
- 在自己的客户组合中建立关系网,与关键决策者和其他相关员工建立关系
Network within one’s portfolio of accounts to build relationships with key decision makers and other relevant staff
- 组织客户会议,计划和协调现场介绍和检查
Conduct client meetings as well as planning and coordinating site introduction tours and inspections
- 处理和管理客户的查询和问题
Handle and manage clients’ queries or issues
- 积极主动,负责跟进新的销售线索,提高客人体验
Be proactive and responsible for the follow up of new sales leads to enhance guest experience
- 发展并保持与业务创造者的联系(会展策划人,旅行社等等)
Develop and maintain contact with business generators (MICE Planner; travel agents; etc.)
- 确保所提供的销售系统中所有相关活动的准确和及时的更新记录(即Delphi; Opera;等),以供日后参考和控制之用
Ensure accurate and timely updating of an accurate record of all relevant activities in the provided Sales System (i.e. Delphi; Opera; etc.) for future reference and control purposes
- 更新客户和联系人简介,附上客户计划,确保“实时”信息
Update Account and Contact profiles, attach Account plans, ensure ‘live’ information for action
- 提高酒店和品牌在当地的知名度和声誉
Develop awareness and reputation of the hotel and the brand in the local community.
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