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Marca dell'hotel: InterContinental
località: Giordania, Aqaba

Hotel: Aqaba (Resort Aqaba) (AQJHA), Via Re Hussein, 2311

Job number: 141403

A little taste of your day-to-day Every day is different, but you’ll mostly be:

● Making sure every single room is at its absolute best for our guests

● Helping our guests in any way you can – whether they’ve forgotten their toothbrush or just need to find the elevator

● Keeping your supervisor in the loop by advising them of any progress or problems

● Monitoring and controlling supplies to minimise waste

● Doing your best to reunite guests with any lost or misplaced items

● Regularly assisting with deep clean projects What we need from you

● It’s a physical role and you’ll be on your feet most of the day, so fitness is important

● Occasional lifting of items up to 50 pounds / 23 kilograms and or push/pulling heavy objects

● You may need to bend and kneel to complete some activities

● Literacy skills - reading, writing and basic maths skills

● Flexible attitude to shifts – you may be required to work nights, weekends and/or holidays

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