您是我们公司文化的完美人选吗? 在此处浏览我们的机会,找到并申请理想的职位。
执行委员会的每个成员都有一个以DE&I为重点的目标。 他们与领导团队一起,每季度对人才进行审查,并特别关注多样性问题。 例如,在英国,我们成立了一个指导小组,由执委会、人力资源部和ERG的代表组成,对领导人进行种族教育,并形成一个行动计划来推动变革。
我们正在倾听我们的 - 和改变 。我们的ERG向整个IHG的每个人开放,让我们不同的同事和盟友有发言权,我们利用这些见解来支持他们,并推动整个企业的变革。 在美国,BERG(黑人员工资源小组)、SOMOS(西班牙裔员工资源小组)和PATH(泛亚裔的真正好客)支持广泛的种族,而我们欧洲和IMEA的EMbrace分会则为我们的少数种族/族裔和他们的盟友服务。
作为我们承诺在2030年前实现企业领导团队性别平衡的一部分,我们已经取得了重大进展。 我们正在继续关注如何吸引更多的女性进入历史上性别不太平衡的职位,并消除潜在的障碍,以增加整个公司的女性总经理人数。

We’re premier partners with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in Atlanta – Morehouse College and Clark Atlanta University – and are also working with career services teams at Howard University, Georgia Tech and Cornell University to diversify our early careers pipeline in the US, and attract students to our 10-week paid internships.
In 2023, our activities included welcoming 34 interns on a Corporate Summer Internship Programme at our corporate office in Atlanta, running HBCU Days at our Atlanta office to give students a taste of working for IHG, hosting talks and networking events for marketing students from Clark Atlanta University and hosting a careers day at Kennesaw State University.

IHG Ascend(美国)

Partnerships (UK)
In the UK, as founding members of the WiHTL Advisory board, we’re partnering with several programmes and networks to continue developing and investing in our racially/ethnically diverse colleagues to increasing racial/ethnic minority representation in our leadership.
External recognition for our efforts so far

#2 on The Financial Times Europe’s Diversity Leaders 2024: An outstanding achievement based on an independent ranking that highlights employers who have taken real
action to promote change and create an
inclusive environment.
Forbes World’s Best Companies for Women 2023: We were honoured to receive this coveted accolade regarding which more than 70,000 women from 37 countries across
4,000 organisations were surveyed.
2023 Human Rights Campaign Corporate
Equality Index survey: We were proud to
receive a perfect 100 score for the ninth
consecutive year in the US and third year
running in MLAC.
In the US, we have been named one of
the Best Workplaces for Parents for large
companies by Great Place To Work®.
In Greater China, we were honoured to be
named Aon China Best ESG Employer.
Yahoo!/ INvolve EMpower Role Model List:
Yasmin Diamond, EVP Global Corporate
Aairs, was listed among global leaders who
are breaking down barriers and smashing the
ceiling for people of colour within the business.
Peggy Berg Castell Award: Julienne Smith,
Chief Development O©icer, Americas, was
the 2023 recipient. Presented by the AHLA
Foundation, the award highlights women
trailblazers who are paving the way for others
to rise to the top of the hospitality industry.
WeAreTheCity The Rising Stars 2023:
Three of our UK corporate colleagues were
listed as winners in the Rising Stars of
Hospitality category.
Fortune Best Workplaces for Women 2023: We were proud to receive this prestigious award.
Checking-IN 50 LGBTQ+ Hospitality
Champions List: Two colleagues were named
as individuals who are progressing LGBTQ+
rights in the hospitality industry.
European Diversity Awards: Our Lean In UK & Europe ERG was shortlisted for the European
Diversity Awards’ Outstanding Employee
Network of the year category.

伦敦的骄傲& 黑人的骄傲

IHG印度Lean In圈,欢迎获奖的变性活动家、艺术家、诗人、行动者和鼓舞人心的演讲嘉宾Kalki Subramaniam,他向同事们讲述了性别认同,分享了经验,并提供了关于如何树立包容性行为的实用话题。

作为美国东南部最大的骄傲节,超过 150 位洲际酒店集团同事在 2022 年自愿参加并庆祝了亚特兰大骄傲活动,而 IHG Hotels R& esorts 则被公认为白金赞助商。

我们在菲律宾的团队也首次赞助并参加了骄傲PH节。 该地区的同事们带着喜悦和自豪的心情游行,通过创造一个提升我们的空间,使我们有勇气聚集在一起,通过呼吁激进的变革来挑战菲律宾的机构,向菲律宾LGBTQIA+群体致敬。