وحدة ادارة الحد الأدنى للرقم

Hotel Brand: InterContinental
Location: China, Yining
Hotel: Yining (YINNG), South of Nanhuan Road, East of Minzhu Road,, West of Haitang Road, North of Haijing Road
Job number: 139545
- Monitors Housekeeping personnel to ensure guests receive prompt and courteous service
- 监督客房部工作人员,确保客人得到及时和礼貌的服务。
- Monitor Housekeeping personnel to ensure rooms, and particularly those of priority members, known repeat guests and other VIP’s receive special attention
- 监督客房部工作人员,确保客房,特别是优悦会会员、熟客和其它贵宾的客房得到特别重视。
- Informs other operating departments of Housekeeping matters, which concern notably the Front Office, to ensure accurate room status, in addition to communicating with Engineering and the Laundry
- 除与工程部和洗衣房进行沟通外,还要向其它业务部门,特别是确保前厅部了解准确的客房状况。
- Schedules routine inspections by supervisors, of all housekeeping areas including occupied and non-occupied rooms
- 进行具体时间安排,由主管据此对所有客房区域,包括入住和未入住的房间进行日常视察。
- Inspects guest rooms in all Housekeeping areas on a regular basis to ensure furnishing, facilities and equipment are clean and in good repair, well maintained and replaced / refurbished as required
- 定期对所有客房区域进行视察,以确保家具、设施和设备按要求得到良好的清洁、修缮、保养和更换和整修。
- Appraise appearance, discipline and efficiency of all staff under direct supervision and initiate immediate remedial action if necessary
- 对所有直属下级的仪容仪表、守纪情况和工作效率进行评估。如有必要,可直接采取纠正措施。
- Follows up on progress of agenda items covered in regular meetings
- 对日常会议上讨论的议程事项的进展程度进行跟进。
- Ensures Housekeeping personnel are familiar with in house facilities for the purpose of assisting guests
- 确保客房部工作人员熟悉酒店的各项内部设施,可以向客人提供各种协助。
- Maintains a steady flow of communication to the Executive Housekeeper on all matters affecting the Housekeeping Department
- 坚持就影响客房部工作的各种问题向行政管家进行汇报 。
- Supervises outside contractors to ensure contractual compliance
- 对外来承包商进行监督,以确保合同合规。
- Ensures that consumption of guest supplies is under control
- 确保客用品的消耗得到控制。
- Assists in monitoring and controlling Housekeeping procedures including lost and found, key control, security and emergency procedures, health and safety for employees and guests
- 协助监督和控制客房部的相关工作程序,包括失物招领、钥匙管理、安全和紧急情况处理工作程序以及关于工作人员及客人健康和安全的规定。
- Works with the Executive Housekeeper on routine cleaning programs including spring cleans, etc
- 与行政管家一起管理例行清扫活动,包括春季大清扫等。
- Acts on behalf of the Executive Housekeeper in his / her absence as assigned
- 当行政管家缺席时代理其工作。
- Works with Superior and Human Resources on manpower planning and management needs
- 与上级领导和人力资源部一起进行人力规划和管理需求。
- Works with Superior Director of Finance in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget.
- 与上级领导和财务总监一起编制和管理部门预算。
Number of employees supervised –
Direct Housekeeping Supervisor / Floor Supervisor/ Laundry Supervisor/ Linen Room Supervisor
直接 客房部主管,楼层主管,洗衣房主管,布草房主管
Indirect N.A.
间接 无
Annual Operating Profit/Payroll Budget –
- Department Budget
- 部门预算
Key Metrics –
- Department Budget
- 部门预算
- Guest Satisfaction Survey
- 宾客满意度调查
- Employee Satisfaction Survey
- 员工满意度调查
Decision Making Responsibilities (Decision Rights) –
- Department Budget
- 部门预算
- Matters pertaining to Housekeeping operations
- 客房部运营相关事宜
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