مدبرة تنفيذية 行政 管家

Hotel Brand: InterContinental
Location: China, Yining
Hotel: Yining (YINNG), South of Nanhuan Road, East of Minzhu Road,, West of Haitang Road, North of Haijing Road
Job number: 139538
- Works with Superior Director of Finance in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget.
- Control the Department’s the cost
- Ensures that consumption of guest supplies is under control
- Ensure that the Department of asset management, with the Owner and the financial department regular stocktaking
- Ensure all work in accordance with local and hotel rules and regulations
- 确保所有工作符合地方和酒店的规章制度
- Works with Superior and Human Resources on manpower planning and management need
- 协助上级领导和人力资源部一起进行人力规划和管理需求
- Oversees laundry operations.
- 监管洗衣房的工作。
- Monitors Housekeeping personnel to ensure all guests and internal customers receive prompt and courteous service
- 监督客房部人员,以确保向所有客人和内部客户提供及时和礼貌的服务。
- Supervises outside contractors to ensure contractual compliance
- 对外来承包商进行监督,以确保合同合规。
- Schedules routine inspections of all Housekeeping areas by/with the Assistant Executive Housekeeper and other supervisory personnel
- 制定与助理行政管家及其它管理人员一起视察客房部工作的时间安排\
- Manages spring cleaning schedules
- 管理春季大清扫日程安排
- Makes recommendations to the General Manager or designate regarding the upkeep of furnishings, facilities, and equipment, ensuring they are clean and in good repair
- 就家具、设施和设备的保养向总经理或代理人提出建议,确保所有家具、设施设备得到良好清洁和修缮
- Informs other departments of Housekeeping matters that concern them, particularly the Laundry Department, the Engineering Department, the Front Office, and the Food and Beverage department. Maintains open channels of communication with other department heads and the General Manager or the General Manager’s designate
- 向其它部门通报客房部与其有关的事项,特别是洗衣部、工程部、前厅部和餐饮部。与其它部门负责人、总经理或其代理人保持良好的交流渠道。
- Establishes and maintains effective human relations and works with human resources to ensure that team members performance is effectively managed
- 建立并保持良好的人际关系,与人力资源部门一起对团队成员的工作表现进行有效管理。
- Maintains appropriate standards for dress, hygiene, uniforms, appearance, posture and conduct of Housekeeping personnel
- 保持客房部员工的衣着、卫生、制服着装、外表、仪态和行为标准。
- Conducts regular department meetings
- 定期召开部门会议。
- Identifies and ensures highest possible standard of cleanliness, maintenance, guest room supplies and amenities at a realistic costs
- 在合理的成本范围内,确认并保证清洁工作、保养工作、客房物品供应和酒店用品的最高标准。
- Implements and controls Housekeeping procedures that provide for the health and safety of personnel and guests, such as lost and found service, key control, security and emergency procedures and environmental procedures
- 执行并管理客房部关于工作人员及客人健康和安全的规定,如失物招领、钥匙管理、安全和紧急情况处理工作程序以及环境工作程序。
- Educate and train all team members in compliance with federal, state and local laws and safety regulations. Ensure staff is properly trained and have the tools and equipment to carry out job duties
- 培训部门所有员工国家的法规和安全规程,确保员工正确的执行工作职责
- Educate and train all team members work skill and properly SOP. Ensure that employees are properly trained, maintain high service and achieve quality and guest satisfaction goals
- 培训部门所有员工工作技能和正确的工作流程,确保员工得到正确的培训,保持高效的服务,实现质量和客户满意度的目标
- Use creative ways to motivate, encourage team members to provide a unique experience for the guests
- 运用有创意的方法来激励、鼓舞团队成员为宾客提供独特的体验
- Timely interaction with the guests get feedback, understanding staff to enhance guest satisfaction channels
- 适时与宾客进行互动,获取反馈,了解员工提升宾客满意度的渠道
- With department manager Common development and achieve all kinds of activities Service behaviour standards and continuously improve guest experience
- 与部门经理协作共同开发达到服务行为标准和持续改善宾客体验的各类活动
- Ensures Housekeeping personnel are familiar with in house facilities for the purpose of assisting guests
- 确保客房部工作人员熟悉酒店的各项内部设施,可以向客人提供各种协助
- Inspects guest and public areas on a regular basis to ensure that the furnishings, facilities, and equipment are clean and in good repair
- 定期对客人区和公共区域进行视察,以确保家具、设施和设备的得到良好的清洁和修缮。
- Improve hotel and brand popularity in this locality, encourage employees to actively participate in local community activities
- 提升酒店与品牌在本地的知名度,鼓励员工积极参与本地社区活动
- To ensure that the policies and procedures to comply with the local laws and regulations and the hotel or company, assist in annual audit / standard self-examination
- 确保遵守相关地方法规及酒店或公司的政策与流程,协助参与年度审计/标准自审
- Investigation and Research on the problems arising in the work, to understand the facts, In time to discovery may cause potential risk for hotel or company and effectively promote the solution to the problem
- 对工作中发生的问题进行调查和研究,了解事实,及时发现对酒店或公司可能造成的潜在风险,并有效促进问题的解决。在遭遇重大问题时及时向上级汇报。
- Is prepared to implement assigned tasks during emergencies such as fires, power failures and bomb threats
- 准备在紧急情况下完成分派給的任务,如在火灾、停电和炸弹威胁事件期间。
- Works with Superior Director of Finance in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget.
- Control the Department’s the cost
- Ensures that consumption of guest supplies is under control
- Ensure that the Department of asset management, with the Owner and the financial department regular stocktaking
- Ensure all work in accordance with local and hotel rules and regulations
- 确保所有工作符合地方和酒店的规章制度
- Works with Superior and Human Resources on manpower planning and management need
- 协助上级领导和人力资源部一起进行人力规划和管理需求
- Oversees laundry operations.
- 监管洗衣房的工作。
- Monitors Housekeeping personnel to ensure all guests and internal customers receive prompt and courteous service
- 监督客房部人员,以确保向所有客人和内部客户提供及时和礼貌的服务。
- Supervises outside contractors to ensure contractual compliance
- 对外来承包商进行监督,以确保合同合规。
- Schedules routine inspections of all Housekeeping areas by/with the Assistant Executive Housekeeper and other supervisory personnel
- 制定与助理行政管家及其它管理人员一起视察客房部工作的时间安排\
- Manages spring cleaning schedules
- 管理春季大清扫日程安排
- Makes recommendations to the General Manager or designate regarding the upkeep of furnishings, facilities, and equipment, ensuring they are clean and in good repair
- 就家具、设施和设备的保养向总经理或代理人提出建议,确保所有家具、设施设备得到良好清洁和修缮
- Informs other departments of Housekeeping matters that concern them, particularly the Laundry Department, the Engineering Department, the Front Office, and the Food and Beverage department. Maintains open channels of communication with other department heads and the General Manager or the General Manager’s designate
- 向其它部门通报客房部与其有关的事项,特别是洗衣部、工程部、前厅部和餐饮部。与其它部门负责人、总经理或其代理人保持良好的交流渠道。
- Establishes and maintains effective human relations and works with human resources to ensure that team members performance is effectively managed
- 建立并保持良好的人际关系,与人力资源部门一起对团队成员的工作表现进行有效管理。
- Maintains appropriate standards for dress, hygiene, uniforms, appearance, posture and conduct of Housekeeping personnel
- 保持客房部员工的衣着、卫生、制服着装、外表、仪态和行为标准。
- Conducts regular department meetings
- 定期召开部门会议。
- Identifies and ensures highest possible standard of cleanliness, maintenance, guest room supplies and amenities at a realistic costs
- 在合理的成本范围内,确认并保证清洁工作、保养工作、客房物品供应和酒店用品的最高标准。
- Implements and controls Housekeeping procedures that provide for the health and safety of personnel and guests, such as lost and found service, key control, security and emergency procedures and environmental procedures
- 执行并管理客房部关于工作人员及客人健康和安全的规定,如失物招领、钥匙管理、安全和紧急情况处理工作程序以及环境工作程序。
- Educate and train all team members in compliance with federal, state and local laws and safety regulations. Ensure staff is properly trained and have the tools and equipment to carry out job duties
- 培训部门所有员工国家的法规和安全规程,确保员工正确的执行工作职责
- Educate and train all team members work skill and properly SOP. Ensure that employees are properly trained, maintain high service and achieve quality and guest satisfaction goals
- 培训部门所有员工工作技能和正确的工作流程,确保员工得到正确的培训,保持高效的服务,实现质量和客户满意度的目标
- Use creative ways to motivate, encourage team members to provide a unique experience for the guests
- 运用有创意的方法来激励、鼓舞团队成员为宾客提供独特的体验
- Timely interaction with the guests get feedback, understanding staff to enhance guest satisfaction channels
- 适时与宾客进行互动,获取反馈,了解员工提升宾客满意度的渠道
- With department manager Common development and achieve all kinds of activities Service behaviour standards and continuously improve guest experience
- 与部门经理协作共同开发达到服务行为标准和持续改善宾客体验的各类活动
- Ensures Housekeeping personnel are familiar with in house facilities for the purpose of assisting guests
- 确保客房部工作人员熟悉酒店的各项内部设施,可以向客人提供各种协助
- Inspects guest and public areas on a regular basis to ensure that the furnishings, facilities, and equipment are clean and in good repair
- 定期对客人区和公共区域进行视察,以确保家具、设施和设备的得到良好的清洁和修缮。
- Improve hotel and brand popularity in this locality, encourage employees to actively participate in local community activities
- 提升酒店与品牌在本地的知名度,鼓励员工积极参与本地社区活动
- To ensure that the policies and procedures to comply with the local laws and regulations and the hotel or company, assist in annual audit / standard self-examination
- 确保遵守相关地方法规及酒店或公司的政策与流程,协助参与年度审计/标准自审
- Investigation and Research on the problems arising in the work, to understand the facts, In time to discovery may cause potential risk for hotel or company and effectively promote the solution to the problem
- 对工作中发生的问题进行调查和研究,了解事实,及时发现对酒店或公司可能造成的潜在风险,并有效促进问题的解决。在遭遇重大问题时及时向上级汇报。
- Is prepared to implement assigned tasks during emergencies such as fires, power failures and bomb threats
- 准备在紧急情况下完成分派給的任务,如在火灾、停电和炸弹威胁事件期间。
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