行李 部 领班 بيل كابتن

العلامة التجارية للفندق: هوالوكس
الموقع: الصين، بكين، كونشان، الصين
الفندق: كونشان هواكياو (SHAKH)، المبنى A , رقم 888 طريق شانغين، مدينة هواكياو، 215332
رقم الوظيفة: 109508
job overview 职位概述
- Responsible for the efficient handling of guest luggage, adhering to proper check-in and check-out procedures, rostering of staff, directing and supervising the uniform services staff and to check/maintain the cleanliness of ground floor lobby and main entrance.
- 负责按照正确的入住和离店工作程序高效率的处理客人的行李,编排工作人员的工作班次,指导和监督身着制服的员工,并检查和保持大厅和正门的卫生保洁。
At HUALUXE®, we want our guests to feel accomplished and respected. To help them we need you to offer intuitive Chinese hospitality and:
- Show Chinese Etiquette – by greeting our guests by extending the spirit of our signature welcome and indulge them in Chinese hospitality by being humble and discreet in observing Chinese protocol.
- Respect and Recognize – We respect and recognize guests no matter who they are and adapt to guest preferences making them feel a cut above the rest.
- Help Accomplish – by fully understanding our guests’ business and social engagement needs, and take pro-active action to exceed their expectations by efficient and accurate services.
- 尽显中华礼仪 –向客人展示我们标志性的欢迎礼,并用谦恭得体的中华待客之道来款待我们的客人。
- 表达尊重认同 – 我们尊重、认知每一位客人,我们记录客人的偏好,通过个性化的服务客人的尊贵身份。
- 协力成就事业 – 悉心洞察、领会客人商务及社交的不同需求,先行一步,力求以准确高效、超越客人期望的服务,帮助客人达成目标。
Duties and Responsibilities 工作职责
- Ensure that all guest’s baggage are received and delivered upon arrival and departure even for baggage storage pertaining to the procedure laid down in the HUALUXE Hotels & Resorts Front Office Manual
- 依照華邑酒店及度假村前厅部工作手册中规定的工作程序,确保所有客人进行交接班说明工作,确定了解酒店活动和运营要求和抵店和离店时均有服务人员为其提送行李,甚至为其储存。
- Be thoroughly aware of arrivals and departures of each day with emphasis on VIP’s, IHG Rewards Club Members, groups and crew movements.
- 详细了解每天客人 进行交接班说明工作,确定了解酒店活动和运营要求抵店和离店的情况,重点留意贵宾、优悦会会员和团队的活动。
- To work closely with Guest Relations Officer to ensure baggage for VIP’s, IHG Rewards Club Members are delivered promptly
- 与宾客关系主任密切合作,以确保贵宾和优悦会会员的行李得到迅速派送。
- To assist the Doorman and supervise on traffic control along the driveway during peak hours
- 在高峰期对门僮进行协助,并监督对车道的交通控制。
- Conducts daily briefing and to ensure that all uniform service staff are kept up to date, properly instructed and that all staff are properly dressed, neat and clean before start of duty. Similarly, staff appearance should remain clean, smart and tidy at all times.
- 进行每日例会,以确保所有着装服务人员了解最新情况并得到正确指导,并保证工作开始前所有员工的穿着均符合规定、干净整齐。同样,员工的外表也应随时给人以干净、精明和整洁的印象。
- Be responsible for training Bellman, Parking Valets and Doorman, in their respective jobs (by identifying training needs)
- 负责(通过发现培训需要)对应接服务员、停车场服务员和门僮就其各自岗位职责进行培训。
- Ensure that all staff are fully informed and knowledgeable on hotel facilities and its surrounding areas
- 确保所有员工了解并熟知酒店设施及周边区域的情况。
- Ensure that the surrounding areas at the lobby level and main entrance are clean
- 确保大厅和正门周边区域的清洁。
- Supervise the Parking Valets in handling guests’ vehicles properly
- 监督停车场服务员对客人车辆合适处理。
- Prepare newspaper orders and co-ordinates with news vendor for early delivery. Supervises Bellman for newspaper delivery
- 负责报纸预订工作,并与报纸供应商协调早晨送报事宜。监督应接服务员送报情况。
- Ensuring that all equipment (trolley, etc....) are in proper condition and recorded properly
- 确保所有设备(手推车等)保养良好并得到准确记录。
- Must be fully conversant with emergency evacuation and fire procedures and ensuring all uniformed staff are aware of these procedures
- 熟知紧急情况疏散和防火工作程序,并确保所有穿著酒店工服装的员工了解这些程序。
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