تخطى للوصول للمحتوى

洗房主管 مدير الغسيل

2482x804 - خدمة تنظيف الغرف في الفنادق
2482x804 - خدمة تنظيف الغرف في الفنادق
فندق إنديغو-Endorsed-logo-indigo-rgb-en
فندق إنديغو-Endorsed-logo-indigo-rgb-en

Hotel Brand: Hotel Indigo
Location: China, Beijing, Hangzhou

الفندق: هانغتشو أبتاون (HGHNE)، رقم 8 طريق نورث شوي تشنغ، منطقة شانغ تشنغ، 310008

رقم الوظيفة: 132731

•    Manages the laundry attendant training, assigns work, and monitors the laundry quality and quantities.
•    Ensures that all linen in the hotel’s laundry room is cleaned or dry-cleaned according to the highest standard, and returned to the guests or staff in immaculate condition.
确保酒店洗衣间的全部布草都按所能达到的最高标准进行清洗或干洗, 清洁无瑕并送还给宾客或员工。
•    To check washing formulas and make corrections and improvement whenever necessary.
•    To report directly to the Executive Housekeeper keeping him/her advised of progress and practices.
•    To communication with attendant on performance and personnel problems.
•    To confer with maintenance mechanics regarding repairs and replacement problems.
•    To plan work and production schedules to meet housekeeping and food and beverage requirement.
•    To train team members according to established procedures, conducts training meeting to discuss problems and future plans, give information and assignments.
•    To oversee laundry office functions including production reports, schedules and other records.
•    To supervise and investigate all claims by guest for defective laundry and consult with hotel executive for any compensation if necessary.
•    To hold department briefing keeping team members informed of new methods and management instructions.
•    To supervise and direct the functions of the valet department.
•    To consult with supply agent for new invented chemical for dry clean and laundry for best results.
•    Responsible for chemical management of laundry room to prevent accidents.
•    To arrange contacts with other Laundry Managers in other leading hotels for updated information and price setting.
•    To establish production standards records and training techniques.
•    To make recommendations to the manager on all phases of the laundry operation and advise him of the latest ideas and equipment.
•    To regulate the manning according to the work load.
•    Ensures all reporting and servicing deadlines are met on a timely basis.
•    Abides by the Hotel’s Policies and Procedures.
•    To ensure that all team members have a complete understanding of and adhere to “Our guide for you”.
•    The management reserves the right to change / extend this job description if necessary at any point of time during her / his employment.
•    Performs other duties as assigned by Executive Housekeeper.


مَن نحن

فندق إنديغو هو علامة تجارية راقية تجسّد الروح الحقيقية للحي. مع أكثر من 150 عقاراً في جميع أنحاء العالم، نبحث عن الأفراد الذين يمكنهم إلهام الضيفات للقيام باكتشافات فريدة من نوعها من خلال التواصل الهادف مع الأشخاص والأماكن والثقافات المتنوعة في المنطقة المحلية.

أحضر قصتك لتلهمك قصصاً جديدة.

لا تستوفي جميع المتطلبات تمامًا، ولكنك لا تزال تعتقد أنك ستكون مناسبًا تمامًا للوظيفة؟ لن نعرف أبدًا ما لم تضغط على زر "تطبيق". ابدأ رحلتك معنا اليوم.

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